Paragliding Courses

Discover the Thrill of Paragliding in Gran Canaria! 🌍

Are you ready to take your sense of adventure to new heights? Learning to paraglide in Gran Canaria is an experience like no other, and here’s why it’s the perfect destination for your next thrilling challenge.

Learning to paraglide in The canary IslandsEP course (Elementary Pilot)

This is the first stage if you want to become a pilot.
In this 5 days course you will leran what a paraglider is, how it flies, and how to control it both in the air and on the ground. More important than that, you will learn how to take off and land safely.
You will also be introduced to meteorology, principles of flight, rules of the air and air law.
Before the end of the course, you will be able to complete few short flights under supervision and after that you will have to pass an exam which will leave you ready to go on in to the next stage.
Tandem flight is included in this package if needed.


  • €550

Improving your flyng skills, progression paragliding course

CP course (also known as Club Pilot course)

After taking this 5 days course you will be able to fly on your own.
In this course you will practice a lot more in the air until you are able to take your own decisions.
You will learn basic things about emergency situations and also rapid descent techniques will be practiced. Progress in meteorology, principles of flight, rules of the air and air law will be done.

Tandem flight is included in this package if needed.


  •  €500
  • If EP course taken with us less than a year before – €450 .


Progression course

No matter what your level is, if you want to improve your skills you have arrived to the best place, Gran Canaria is the spot where you have more chances for accumulating airtime since soaring days can be quite long.
During these seesions you will learn things that you aren’t familiar with or you might have tried them but want to get better at them.
For example basic maneuvers like ears, small collapses, 360 turns, top landings and plenty more.
After taking this 5 days course you will become a much more complete pilot and you will feel much safer everytime you fly, this is the step you want take in order to do thoese things you were not sure about.
Note: At least Clup Pilot level is necessary


  • €450 or €400 If any other course taken with us

Paragliding courses for all levels1 Day introductory paragliding lesson

If you are not so sure what this sport is about or you just want to get a closer look at it, this is your best bet.
In this one day long course you will be shown what a paraglider is and how it works, next you will be on charge of it and we will teach you how to inflate it and control it.
Before the day ends, you will be ready to move on to your first solo flight, and after that you will be ready to decide what your next step should be.


  • Basic (includes full equipment) – €120

Tandem flight is included in this package

Tandem Course

  • €480 or €400 If any other course taken with us

Paragliding Reserve Parachute seminar

199 euros 2 days
Paraglider simulator
Zip line
Mountain flights

Packing your own reserve parachute is important BUT learning when and how to throw ir is vital. If you are going down at 60 miles per hour it will take 11 seconds to cover 1000 feet, its crucial to react fast if you want to save your life. Your visual reference is gone when you are spinning at a high rate, the successful execution of the deployment sequence under adverse conditions will depend on your level of preparation. Practicing this procedure repeatedly in a simulator has no substitute.

A pilot throws his reserve chute
Parachute deployment

The goals in the seminars are:
Understanding how paragliding reserve parachutes are designed to function
When and how to throw yourreserves
What to do once you have deployed your reserve
Learning to repack on your own
Course components include:
Paragliding Reserve Parachute design introduction
When to throw and when no to throw
Checking before flying
Deployment sequence
In-flight simulations
Parachute Landing Fall (PLF)
Tree landing
Multi-media displays of good and bad paragliding reserve deployments
Multiple reserve deployments from a paragliding simulator
Multiple paragliding reserve repacks 

Horacio llorens professional pilots simulates an ugly scenario to throw reserve
Bad scenario on the paraglider simulator

Learn to pack your chute

Pilots often are afraid to do the repacking themselves arguing they can always hire a professional instructor to do it for them but imagine you go on a holiday and somebody accidentally lift your reserve handle and you end up with the parachute out of the container, this could be the end of your flying holiday, make sure you are able to  pack this yourself. More important than this is the successful execution of the deployment sequence under any circumstances and, as mentioned before, the only way to make this process automatic is practicing this procedure repeatedly in a simulator.

Trainer simulates throwing his reserve while flying
In flight simulations

Paragliding simulator

We have developed our own simulation means, our paragliding simulator is unique and lets you sit on your own harness and get the same feeling that you will have your own equipment when flying, we’ll put you in some positions you could end up in bad scenarios and this will let you practice your deployment sequence. Also our zip line is great for this since travels 70 Mts  over the water at more than 60 Mts.

First time ever reserve throwing using a zip line
Reserve deployment using zip line

For more paragliding courses visit

For booking please contatc us

Reasons for learning to Fly In Gran Canaria

1. Ideal Weather Conditions ☀️
Gran Canaria boasts almost year-round sunshine and consistent winds, making it one of the best places in Europe for paragliding. The stable weather conditions mean you’ll have more flying days and smoother rides, ideal for beginners and seasoned pilots alike.

2. Stunning Landscapes 🌄
Gran Canaria’s diverse terrain offers a spectacular backdrop that will make your flights unforgettable. The views alone are worth the experience!

3. Professional Training and Safety 🛡️
Safety is our top priority. Gran Canaria is home to experienced instructors who are certified professionals, ensuring you learn from the best. Whether it’s your first flight or you’re looking to improve your skills, you’ll receive top-notch training that prioritizes safety.

4. A Unique Perspective of the Island 🏝️
Paragliding offers a completely different way to explore Gran Canaria. While most visitors experience the island from the ground, you’ll have the privilege of seeing it from a bird’s-eye view. It’s a thrilling way to connect with nature and appreciate the island’s beauty from above.

5. Meet Like-Minded Adventurers 🤝
Gran Canaria’s paragliding community is vibrant and welcoming. You’ll have the chance to meet fellow adventure enthusiasts, share experiences, and maybe even make lifelong friends. It’s not just about the flight; it’s about the people you’ll meet along the way.

Ready to Soar?
If you’re seeking an exhilarating experience that combines adventure, nature, and a touch of tranquility, paragliding in Gran Canaria is the perfect choice. Don’t just visit the island—experience it from the skies!

Book your paragliding adventure today and let Gran Canaria take your breath away! is the most popular site for paragliding in the Canaries.